Thursday, October 29, 2020


THE MICRO ORGANISMS THAT CAUSE DISEASES:  Imagine life with very tinny living organisms capable of causing disease and not visible to a naked eye.  The things we use in life from clothes, utensils, our own bodies are living with millions of bacteria, virus and other microbes that can cause some of the most deadly diseases.  Looking at the human skin alone, every square inch of it is a home to more than 100 species of microbe some of which are deadly when they are introduced into the circulation.  In our discussions here, we shall be looking at the various microbes that cause diseases in humans and the diseases they cause.  We shall be looking at the virulence factor for such microbes and although there is a section for drug, here we shall briefly look at the possible antimicrobial therapy for such microbes.

i)  Normal flora of the human body:  When you look at the human skin, you may think it is free from microbes but you will surprised to find, every square inch of it is a home to more than 100 different species of bacteria.  It is not actually skin alone but also, mucous membranes, mouth, the vaginal canal and the rectum.

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