Showing posts with label September 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label September 2022. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023


MACROMOLECULES OF THE HUMAN BODY: Chemical life begins with atoms and ions and these may combine to form molecules.  In our basic chemistry, we looked at covalent molecules and ionic molecules and the forces that can bind two or more atoms to form molecules as described in the article below; The forces that bind molecules together.  Basically molecules maybe two or more atoms combined and then several different molecules can combine to form more complex structures known as macromolecules.  There are many macromolecules in the human body some of which act as enzymes, others hormones, and for some, as molecules of metabolism.  To get clear on some of the most useful molecules available in the human body, we need to classify them according to their functions but before we continue, if you have not been following us, you need to read about the previous topic; Diversity of biomolecules.  In this discussion, we are going to look at some of the most common macromolecules in the human body and their respective roles.

CARBOHYDRATES:  These are some of the most important biomolecules in nature and the human body needs a lot of them.  Carbohydrates are some of the most abundant chemicals of life in nature and we need them for provision of energy.  they are the universal sources of energy in the human body.  Carbohydrates are of different chemical structure and composition but in our discussion here, we shall be looking at starch and glycogen.


1.  Diversity of biomolecules

2.  Starch

3.  Polysaccharides 

Thursday, September 29, 2022



INTRODUCTION: The functions of the nervous system sensation, integration, and response depend on the functions of the neurons underlying these pathways. To understand how neurons are able to communicate, it is necessary to describe the role of an excitable membrane in generating these signals. The basis of this communication is the action potential, which demonstrates how changes in the membrane can constitute a signal. Looking at the way these signals work in more variable circumstances involves a look at graded potentials.

ELECTRICALLY ACTIVE CELL MEMBRANES: Most cells in the body make use of charged particles, ions, to build up a charge across the cell membrane. Previously, this was shown to be a part of how muscle cells work. For skeletal muscles to contract, based on excitation–contraction coupling, requires input from a neuron. Both of the cells make use of the cell membrane to regulate ion movement between the extracellular fluid and cytosol. The cell membrane is primarily responsible for regulating what can cross the membrane and what stays on only one side. The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, so only substances that can pass directly through the hydrophobic core can diffuse through unaided. Solubility of compounds

Charged particles, which are hydrophilic by definition, cannot pass through the cell membrane without assistance. Transmembrane proteins, specifically channel proteins, make this possible. Several channels, as well as specialized energy dependent ion-pumps, are necessary to generate a transmembrane potential and to generate an action potential.

THE SODIUM/POTASSIUM PUMP: Of special interest is the carrier protein referred to as the sodium/potassium pump that moves sodium ions (Na+) out of a cell and potassium ions (K+) into a cell, thus regulating ion concentration on both sides of the cell membrane. The sodium/potassium pump requires energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), so it is also referred to as an ATPase. The concentration of Na+ is higher outside the cell than inside, and the concentration of K+ is higher inside the cell is higher than outside. That means that this pump is moving the ions against the concentration gradients for sodium and potassium, which is why it requires energy. In fact, the pump basically maintains those concentration gradients.

ION CHANNELS: Ion channels are pores that allow specific charged particles to cross the membrane in response to an existing concentration gradient. Proteins are capable of spanning the cell membrane, including its hydrophobic core, and can interact with the charge of ions because of the varied properties of amino acids found within specific domains or regions of the protein channel. Hydrophobic amino acids are found in the domains that are apposed to the hydrocarbon tails of the phospholipids. Hydrophilic amino acids are exposed to the fluid environments of the extracellular fluid and cytosol. Additionally, the ions will interact with the hydrophilic amino acids, which will be selective for the charge of the ion. Channels for cations (positive ions) will have negatively charged side chains in the pore. Channels for anions (negative ions) will have positively charged side chains in the pore. This is called electrochemical exclusion, meaning that the channel pore is charge-specific.







Wednesday, September 28, 2022







Friday, September 23, 2022


INTRODUCTION: For an infectious disease to perpetuate there has to be a reservoir of microorganism from where the causative agent should be transmitted to a susceptible host either directly or through the agency of a vehicle or a vector.

SOURCE AND RESERVOIR: The source of infection is the person, animal, object or substance from which an infectious agent passes or disseminates to the host whereas a reservoir is defined as any person, animal, arthropod, plant, soil or substance (or combination of these) in which an infectious agent lives and multiplies. These can be of three types: 1) Humans 2) Animals 3) Non-living substances. Humans For infectious diseases of human beings, man is the most important reservoir. He may be a case or a carrier.

HUMAN CASE: A case may be having a clinical disease or subclinical infection which remains unmanifested or abortive. In latter, the disease agent may multiply in the host but does not manifest itself by signs and symptoms.

HUMAN CARRIERS: Some microorganisms do not get completely eliminated from the host after natural cycle of disease or after treatment. Such persons become carriers of the agents. A carrier therefore is defined as an infected person or animal that harbours a specific infectious agent in the absence of overt clinical signs and serves as a potential source of infection for others.

Though carriers are less infectious than cases, they carry greater epidemiological importance because of the prolonged duration for which they can silently excrete organisms. The carriers can be: 1) incubatory 2) convalescent or 3) healthy. Depending upon the duration of excretion of microorganisms they can be designated as: 1) temporary (acute) or 2) chronic carriers.

The incubatory and convalescent carriers are usually temporary whereas chronic carriers are otherwise healthy individuals. Chronic carrier state occurs in various diseases notably typhoid fever and hepatitis B. Hepatitis B

ANIMALS: Animals and birds can also pass on microorganisms to man. These may also manifest as case or exist as carriers. The diseases which are naturally transmissible between man and animals are called as zoonoses. These diseases are of great importance in countries where a close contact between man and animals is inevitable such as occurs in rural areas of India and Sub-Saharan Africa. Some of the important zoonotic infections are rabies; plague, brucellosis, leptospirosis, hydatidosis. Brucellosis

NON-LIVING SUBSTANCES: Soil and inanimate objects can also occur as reservoir of some microorganisms such as causative agents of infectious tetanus, anthrax, hookworm disease and mycetoma.

MODES OF TRANSMISSION: The microorganisms can be transmitted to human beings directly or indirectly. Direct transmission occurs through: 1) Contact with man, animal or inanimate objects. 2) Droplet infection 3) Breach of skin or mucous membrane 4) Transplacental and congenital.

The indirect transmission is possible by any of the following mechanisms; 1) Vehicles (water, food etc.). 2) Vectors (mechanical or biological). 3) Air (droplet or dust). 4) Fomites. 5) Unclean hands and fingers.

MECHANISM OF INFECTION: To produce infection in man a microbe has to gain entry into the host. The most frequent portals of entry are the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and breaks in the superficial mucous membranes and skin. From the portal of entry the parasite may spread directly through the tissues or may proceed via lymphatic channels to the blood stream, which distributes it widely and permits it to reach tissues particularly suitable for its multiplication. Nevertheless, for the perpetuation of a parasitic species a satisfactory portal of exit of the parasite from the host and an effective mechanism for transmission to new hosts are also of paramount importance.

DEVELOPMENT OF DISEASE: Once the microorganism overcomes the defences of the host, development of infectious disease follows a sequence of events.

Period of Incubation: This is the time interval between the actual infection and the appearance of first clinical feature.

Prodromal Period: This relatively short period follows incubation period in some diseases. It is characterised by mild early symptoms such as general aches and malaise.

Period of Illness: This is the acute phase of illness characterised by typical clinical features of the infectious disease.

Period of Decline: During this period the signs and symptoms subside. The fever decreases and the feeling of malaise diminishes

Period of Convalescence: The person regains strength during this period and body returns to pre-diseased state.

LOCAL OR GENERALISED INFECTIONS: An infection may be restricted to the point of entry (local) or may spread throughout the body (generalized). 

Generalised Infections: Bacteraemia, septicaemia and pyaemia are some of the generalised infections which spread through blood:

Bacteraemia: Bacteraemia is defined as the circulation of bacteria in the blood. It may be transient or of long duration depending upon the duration for which bacteria are present in the blood. Transient bacteraemia is a frequent event which occurs even in healthy individuals while chewing, brushing of teeth and straining while passing stools. Bacteraemia of long duration occurs with pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella typhi and Brucella and is essential for the initiation of disease process.

Septicaemia: This is a condition in which bacteria circulate and multiply in the blood, form toxic products and cause high swinging type of fever. This can be due to both endotoxin as well as exotoxin producing organisms.








Wednesday, September 21, 2022



OCCURRENCE AND CLASSIFICATION: The genus Brucella includes three medically relevant species; B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis. These three species are the causative organisms of classic zoonoses in livestock and wild animals, specifically in cattle (B. abortus), goats (B. melitensis), and pigs (B. suis). These bacteria can also be transmitted from diseased animals to humans, causing a uniform clinical picture, so-called undulant fever or Bang’s disease.

MORPHOLOGY AND CULTURE: Brucellae are slight, coccoid, Gram-negative rods with no flagella. They only reproduce aerobically. In the initial isolation the atmosphere must contain 5–10% CO2. Enriched mediums such as blood agar are required to grow them in cultures.

PATHOGENESIS AND CLINICAL PICTURE: Human brucellosis infections result from direct contact with diseased animals or indirectly by way of contaminated foods, in particular unpasteurized milk and dairy products. The bacteria invade the body either through the mucosa of the upper intestinal and respiratory tracts or through lesions in the skin, then enter the subserosa or subcutis. From there they are transported by microphages or macrophages, in which they can survive, to the lymph nodes, where a lymphadenitis develops. The pathogens then disseminate from the affected lymph nodes, at first lymphogenously and then hematogenously, finally reaching the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and other tissues, in the cells of which they can survive and even multiply. The granulomas typical of intracellular bacteria develop. From these inflammatory foci, the brucellae can enter the bloodstream intermittently, each time causing one of the typical febrile episodes, which usually occur in the evening and are accompanied by chills. The incubation period is one to four weeks. B. melitensis infections are characterized by more severe clinical symptoms than the other brucelloses.

DIAGNOSIS: This is best achieved by isolating the pathogen from blood or biopsies in cultures, which must be incubated for up to four weeks. The laboratory must therefore be informed of the tentative diagnosis. Brucellae are identified based on various metabolic properties and the presence of surface antigens, which are detected using a polyvalent Brucella-antiserum in a slide agglutination reaction. Special laboratories are also equipped to differentiate the three Brucella species. Antibody detection is done using the agglutination reaction according to Gruber-Widal in a standardized method. In doubtful cases, the complement-binding reaction and direct Coombs test can be applied to obtain a serological diagnosis.

THERAPY: Doxycycline is administered in the acute phase, often in combination with gentamicin. A therapeutic alternative is cotrimoxazole. The antibiotic regimen must be continued for three to four weeks.









Sunday, September 11, 2022


INTRODUCTION: Several procedures are currently available to determine certain kinds of abnormalities in a fetus or to monitor development.  We should once again remember that the human gestation age goes 40 weeks from the days of the last normal menstruations period.  And although for some people this period may be less or slightly more, the fetus is always monitored with non invasive procedures to make sure that it's life is not in danger and any concerns diagnosed are addressed right away.

ULTRASOUND (OR FETAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY): This is a non-invasive procedure; high-frequency sound waves are transmitted through the abdominal wall into the uterus. The reflected sound waves are converted into an image called a sonogram. This method is used to confirm multiple pregnancies, fetal age or position, or to detect fetal abnormalities such as heart defects or malformations of other organs. Ultrasound may also be used to determine the thickness of the fetal neck, which is an indicator of Down syndrome.

AMNIOCENTESIS: This procedure is usually performed at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation. A hypodermic needle is inserted through the wall of the abdomen into the amniotic sac, and about 10 to 20 mL of amniotic fluid is removed. Within this fluid are fetal cells, which can be cultured so that their chromosomes may be examined. Through such examination and biochemical tests, a number of genetic diseases or chromosome abnormalities may be detected. Because women over the age of 35 years are believed to have a greater chance of having a child with Down syndrome, amniocentesis is often recommended for this age group. A family history of certain genetic diseases is another reason a pregnant woman may wish to have this procedure.

CHORIONIC VILLUS SAMPLING (CVS): In this procedure, a biopsy catheter is inserted through the vagina and cervix to collect a small portion of the chorionic villi. These cells are derived from the fetus but are not part of the fetus itself. The information obtained is the same as that for amniocentesis, but CVS may be performed earlier in pregnancy, at about 8 weeks. Although there is a risk that the procedure may cause a miscarriage, CVS is considered comparable in safety to amniocentesis. It is important to remember that no invasive procedure is without risks.

MATERNAL BLOOD TESTS: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is produced by the fetus and is found in maternal circulation. The level reaches a peak between 12 and 15 weeks of gestation, and should then decrease. If AFP is still high after 16 to 18 weeks, there is a 95% chance that the fetus has spina bifida or anencephaly, malformations of the central nervous system. Maternal blood levels of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and beta hCG can be measured during the first trimester. These tests, in conjunction with ultrasound, can reliably detect Down syndrome.






Friday, September 09, 2022



INTRODUCTION: Human cells or other body fluids contain many dissolved substances known as solutes. These include; salts, sugars, acids, and bases. The concentration of solutes in a fluid creates the osmotic pressure of the solution, which in turn determines the movement of water through membranes. As an example here, we will use sodium chloride (NaCl). Human cells have an NaCl concentration of 0.9%. With human cells as a reference point, the relative NaCl concentrations of other solutions may be described with the following terms:

Isotonic: a solution with the same salt concentration

as in cells. The blood plasma is isotonic to red blood cells.

Hypotonic: a solution with a lower salt concentration

than in cells. Distilled water (0% salt) is hypotonic to human cells.

Hypertonic: a solution with a higher salt concentration

than in cells. Seawater (3% salt) is hypertonic to human cells.

When RBCs are in plasma, water moves into and out of them at equal rates, and the cells remain normal in size and water content.

If RBCs are placed in distilled water, more water will enter the cells than leave, and the cells will swell and eventually burst.

If RBCs are placed in seawater, more water will leave the cells than enter, and the cells will shrivel and die.

This knowledge of osmotic pressure is used when replacement fluids are needed for a patient who has become dehydrated. Isotonic solutions are usually used; normal saline and Ringer’s solution are examples. These will provide rehydration without causing osmotic damage to cells or extensive shifts of fluid between the blood and tissues.







Thursday, September 08, 2022



INTRODUCTION: Water makes up 60% to 75% of the human body, and is essential to life for several reasons:  1) Water is a solvent; that is, many substances called solutes, can dissolve in water. Nutrients such as glucose are dissolved in blood plasma, which is largely water, to be transported to cells throughout the body. The sense of taste depends upon the solvent ability of saliva; dissolved food stimulates the receptors in taste buds. The excretion of waste products is possible because they are dissolved in the water of urine.

2) Water is a lubricant, which prevents friction where surfaces meet and move. In the digestive tract, swallowing depends upon the presence of saliva, and mucus is a slippery fluid that permits the smooth passage of food through the intestines. Synovial fluid within joint cavities prevents friction as bones move.

3) Water changes temperature slowly. Water has a high heat capacity, which means that it will absorb a great deal of heat before its temperature rises significantly, or it must lose a great deal of heat before its temperature drops significantly. This is one of the factors that helps the body maintain a constant temperature. Water also has a high heat of vaporization, which is important for the process of sweating. Excess body heat evaporates sweat on the skin surfaces, rather than overheating the body’s cells, and because of water’s high heat of vaporization, a great deal of heat can be given off with the loss of a relatively small amount of water.

WATER COMPARTMENTS: All water within the body is continually moving, but water is given different names when it is in specific body locations, which are called compartments.

INTRACELLULAR FLUID (ICF): This is the water within cells; about 65% of the total body water.

EXTRACELLULAR FLUID (ECF): All the rest of the water in the body; about 35% of the total. More specific compartments of extracellular fluid include:

Plasma; water found in blood vessels

Lymph; water found in lymphatic vessels

Tissue fluid or interstitial fluid; water found in the small spaces between cells.

Specialized fluids; synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, aqueous humor in the eye, and others.






Wednesday, September 07, 2022



Introduction:  Diazepine in trade names like Valium is one of the most commonly used Over The Counter (OTC) central nervous system agents 

Therapeutic Class: Antiseizure, Sedative-hypnotic drug 

Pharmacologic Class: Benzodiazepine; GABAA receptor agonist

ACTIONS AND USES: Diazepam binds to the GABA receptor–chloride channels throughout the CNS. It produces its effects by suppressing neuronal activity in the limbic system and subsequent impulses that might be transmitted to the reticular activating system. Effects of this drug are suppression of abnormal neuronal foci that may cause seizures, calming without strong sedation, and skeletal muscle relaxation. When used orally, maximum therapeutic effects may take from 1 to 2 weeks. Tolerance may develop after about 4 weeks. When given IV, effects occur in minutes, and its anticonvulsant effects last about 20 minutes.

ADMINISTRATION ALERTS: When administering IV, monitor respirations every 5 to 15 minutes. Have airway and resuscitative equipment accessible. The drug is pregnancy category D.

ADVERSE EFFECTS: Because of tolerance and dependency, use of diazepam is reserved for short term seizure control or for status epilepticus. When given IV, hypotension, muscular weakness, tachycardia, and respiratory depression are common.

Contraindications: When administered in injectable form, this medication should be avoided under the following conditions: shock, coma, depressed vital signs, obstetrical patients, and infants less than 30 days of age. In tablet form, the medication should not be administered to infants less than 6 months of age, to patients with acute narrow-angle glaucoma or untreated open-angle glaucoma, or within 14 days of monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) therapy.

INTERACTIONS: Drug–Drug: Diazepam should not be taken with alcohol or other CNS depressants because of combined sedation effects. Other drug interactions include cimetidine, oral contraceptives, valproic acid, and metoprolol, which potentiate diazepam’s action; and levodopa and barbiturates, which decrease diazepam’s action. Diazepam increases the levels of phenytoin in the bloodstream and may cause phenytoin toxicity.







Tuesday, September 06, 2022



INTRODUCTION: An acid may be defined as a substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions (H) in a water solution. A base is a substance that decreases the concentration of H ions, which, in the case of water, has the same effect as increasing the concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH).

DEGREE OF ACIDITY AND ALKALINITY: The acidity or alkalinity (basicity) of a solution is measured on a scale of values called pH (parts hydrogen). The values on the pH scale range from 0 to 14, with 0 indicating the most acidic level and 14 the most alkaline. A solution with a pH of 7 is neutral because it contains the same number of H ions and OH ions. Pure water has a pH of 7. A solution with a higher concentration of H ions than OH ions is an acidic solution with a pH below 7. An alkaline solution, therefore, has a higher concentration of OH ions than H ions and has a pH above 7.

DYNAMICS OF pH IN THE BODY: A change of one pH unit is a 10-fold change in H ion concentration. This means that a solution with a Ph of 4 has 10 times as many H ions as a solution with a pH of 5, and 100 times as many H ions as a solution with a pH of 6. For example, gastric juice has a pH of 1 and coffee has a pH of 5. This means that gastric juice has 10,000 times as many H ions as does coffee. Although coffee is acidic, it is a weak acid and does not have the corrosive effect of gastric juice, a strong acid. The cells and internal fluids of the human body have a pH close to neutral. The pH of intracellular fluid is around 6.8, and the normal pH range of blood is 7.35 to 7.45. Fluids such as gastric juice and urine are technically external fluids, because they are in body tracts that open to the environment. The pH of these fluids may be more strongly acidic or alkaline without harm to the body. The pH of blood, however, must be maintained within its very narrow, slightly alkaline range. A decrease of only one pH unit, which is 10 times as many H ions, would disrupt the chemical reactions of the blood and cause the death of the individual.

Normal metabolism tends to make body fluids more acidic, and this tendency to acidosis must be continually corrected. Normal pH of internal fluids is maintained by the kidneys, respiratory system, and buffer systems.







Saturday, September 03, 2022



INTRODUCTION: There are more than 200 different types of cancer, all of which are characterized by abnormal cellular functioning. Normally, our cells undergo mitosis only when necessary and stop when appropriate. A cut in the skin, for example, is repaired by mitosis, usually without formation of excess tissue. The new cells fill in the damaged area, and mitosis slows when the cells make contact with surrounding cells. This is called contact inhibition, which limits the new tissue to just what is needed. 

ABNORMAL CELLULAR DIVISION: Malignant (cancer) cells, however, are characterized by uncontrolled cell division. Our cells are genetically programmed to have particular life spans and to divide or die. One gene is known to act as a brake on cell division; another gene enables cells to live indefinitely, beyond their normal life span, and to keep dividing. Any imbalance in the activity of these genes may lead to abnormal cell division. Such cells are not inhibited by contact with other cells, keep dividing, and tend to spread.

MALIGNANCY: A malignant tumor begins in a primary site such as the colon, then may spread or metastasize. Often the malignant cells are carried by the lymph or blood to other organs such as the liver, where secondary tumors develop. Metastasis is characteristic only of malignant cells; benign tumors do not metastasize but remain localized in their primary site. A malignant cell is created by a mutation, a genetic change that brings about abnormal cell functions or responses and often leads to a series of mutations. 

CAUSES OF CANCER: Environmental substances that cause mutations are called carcinogens. One example is the tar found in cigarette smoke, which is definitely a cause of lung cancer. Ultraviolet light may also cause mutations, especially in skin that is overexposed to sunlight. For a few specific kinds of cancer, the trigger is believed to be infection with certain viruses that cause cellular mutations. Carriers of hepatitis B virus, for example, are more likely to develop primary liver cancer than are people who have never been exposed to this virus. Research has discovered two genes, one on chromosome 2 and the other on chromosome 3, that contribute to a certain form of colon cancer. Both of these genes are the codes for proteins that correct the “mistakes” that may occur when the new DNA is synthesized. When these repair proteins do not function properly, the mistakes (mutations) in the DNA lead to the synthesis of yet other faulty proteins that impair the functioning of the cell and predispose it to becoming malignant.

PROGRESSION OF CANCER: Once cells have become malignant, their functioning cannot return to normal, and though the immune system will often destroy such cells, sometimes it does not, especially as we get older. Therefore, the treatments for cancer are directed at removing or destroying the abnormal cells. Surgery to remove tumors, radiation to destroy cells, and chemotherapy to stop cell division or interfere with other aspects of cell metabolism are all aspects of cancer treatment. New chemotherapy drugs are becoming more specific, with very precise targets. For example, the cells of several types of solid-tumor cancers have been found to have mutations in the gene for the cell membrane receptor for a natural growth factor (epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR). These altered receptors, when triggered by their usual growth factor, then cause the cell to divide uncontrollably, an abnormal response. Medications that target only these altered receptors have already been developed for some forms of lung cancer and breast cancer. Not only do they show promise in treating the cancer, they do not have the side effects of other forms of chemotherapy.






Friday, September 02, 2022



Therapeutic Class: Antidepressant; treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children

Pharmacologic Class: Tricyclic antidepressant

ACTIONS AND USES: Imipramine blocks the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine into nerve terminals. It is used mainly for major depression, although it is occasionally used for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) in children. It may also be prescribed for a number of unlabeled uses, including intractable pain, anxiety disorders, and withdrawal syndromes from alcohol and cocaine. Therapeutic effectiveness may not occur for 2 or more weeks.

ADMINISTRATION ALERTS: Paradoxical diaphoresis can be a side effect of TCAs; therefore, diaphoresis may not be a reliable indicator of other disease states such as hypoglycemia.

Imipramine causes anticholinergic effects and may potentiate effects of anticholinergic drugs administered during surgery. Do not discontinue abruptly because rebound dysphoria, irritability, or sleeplessness may occur. Pregnancy category C.

ADVERSE EFFECTS: Side effects include sedation, drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, and cardiovascular symptoms such as dysrhythmias, heart block, and extreme hypertension. Agents that mimic the action of norepinephrine or serotonin should be avoided because imipramine inhibits their metabolism and may produce toxicity. Some patients may experience photosensitivity and hypersensitivity to tricyclic drugs.

Warning: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior, especially in children, adolescents, and young adults with major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders. This drug is not approved for use in pediatric patients. 

Contraindications: This drug should not be used in cases of acute recovery after MI, defects in bundle-branch conduction, narrow-angle glaucoma, and severe renal or hepatic impairment. Patients should not use this drug within 14 days of discontinuing MAOIs. 

INTERACTIONS: Drug–Drug: Concurrent use of other CNS depressants, including alcohol, may cause sedation. Cimetidine may inhibit the metabolism of imipramine, leading to increased serum levels and possible toxicity. Imipramine may reverse the antihypertensive effects of clonidine and potentiate CNS depression. Use of oral contraceptives may increase or decrease imipramine levels. Disulfiram may lead to delirium and tachycardia. Antithyroid agents may produce agranulocytosis. Phenothiazines cause increased anticholinergic and sedative effects. Sympathomimetics may result in cardiac toxicity. Methylphenidate or cimetidine may increase the effects of imipramine and cause toxicity. Phenytoin is less effective when taken with imipramine. MAOIs may result in neuroleptic malignant syndrome.





Thursday, September 01, 2022



Therapeutic Class: Opioid analgesic

Pharmacologic Class: Opioid receptor agonist

ACTIONS AND USES: Morphine binds with both mu and kappa receptor sites to produce profound analgesia. It causes euphoria, constriction of the pupils, and stimulation of cardiac muscle. It is used for symptomatic relief of serious acute and chronic pain after non-narcotic analgesics have failed, as pre-anesthetic medication, to relieve shortness of breath associated with heart failure and pulmonary edema, and for acute chest pain connected with MI.

ADMINISTRATION ALERTS: The oral solution may be given sublingually. The oral solution comes in multiple strengths; carefully observe drug orders and labels before administering. Morphine causes peripheral vasodilation, which results in orthostatic hypotension. Pregnancy category B (D in long-term use or with high doses).

ADVERSE EFFECTS: Morphine may cause dysphoria (restlessness, depression, and anxiety), hallucinations, nausea, constipation, dizziness, and an itching sensation. Overdose may result in severe respiratory depression or cardiac arrest. Tolerance develops to the sedative, nausea-producing, and euphoric effects of the drug. Cross-tolerance also develops between morphine and other opioids such as heroin, methadone, and meperidine.

Physical and psychological dependence develops when high doses are taken for prolonged periods.

Warning: When morphine is administered as an epidural drug, due to the risk of adverse effects, patients must be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours. Morphine administered as extended-release tablets has an abuse liability similar to other opioid analgesics. Morphine is a Schedule II controlled substance and should be taken properly according to dispensing instructions (i.e., tablets/capsules should be taken whole and not broken, chewed, dissolved, or crushed). Alcohol should be avoided with morphine products. Failure to follow these warnings could result in fatal respiratory depression.

Contraindications: Morphine may intensify or mask the pain of gallbladder disease, due to biliary tract spasms. Morphine should also be avoided in cases of acute or severe asthma, GI obstruction, and severe hepatic or renal impairment.

INTERACTIONS: Drug–Drug: Morphine interacts with several drugs. For example, concurrent use of CNS depressants, such as alcohol, other opioids, general anesthetics, sedatives, and antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and tricyclics, potentiate the action of opiates, increasing the risk of severe respiratory depression and death.