INTRODUCTION: Labor and birth are natural human processes and for most women, minimal interventions are required. Uncomplicated labor occurs at term which is taken to be completion of 38 weeks of gestation, with a single fetus in a vertex presentation, with labor initiated by spontaneous, effective contractions, and with birth completed within 24 hours.
BEGINNING OF LABOR: Initiation of labor is a complex process involving a combination of factors that work in conjunction to stimulate myometrial activity and in turn initiate the onset of labor. These factors may include oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary, uterine distention or stretching, increasing uterine pressure due to the term fetus, increased maternal prostaglandin and fetal cortisol levels, placental aging, and changes in estrogen and progesterone ratios. The exact mechanism(s) that initiate spontaneous labor have been researched but are not completely understood.
TRUE VERSUS FALSE LABOR: Premonitory signs of labor such as lightening, urinary frequency, a change in vaginal discharge including bloody show, the loss of the mucus plug, and irregular contractions are often reported before true labor begins. True labor is distinguished from false labor by contractions that become progressively more frequent and regular, discomfort beginning in the back and radiating toward the abdomen causing cervical dilation, cervical effacement, and fetal descent. Duration of labor will depends on fetal presentation, fetal size, position of the fetus, and a multitude of factors including pelvic structure, the woman’s body mass, and birthing position.
STAGES OF LABOR: Labor is divided into four stages;
Stage 1: The first stage of labor, which is cervical dilation to 10 cm, is divided into latent (0-3 cm dilation), active (4-7 cm dilation), and transitional (8-10 cm dilation) phases.
Stage 2: Stage two is measured from compete dilation to the birth of the baby and may have a latent or passive phase.
Stage 3: Stage three is from the birth of the baby to the expulsion of the placenta.
Stage 4: Stage four is the immediate postpartum recovery phase occurring from the delivery of the placenta and encompassing the first 2 hr postdelivery.