Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

December 14, 2024


INTRODUCTION: Labor and birth are natural human processes and for most women, minimal interventions are required. Uncomplicated labor occurs at term which is taken to be completion of 38 weeks of gestation, with a single fetus in a vertex presentation, with labor initiated by spontaneous, effective contractions, and with birth completed within 24 hours.

BEGINNING OF LABOR: Initiation of labor is a complex process involving a combination of factors that work in conjunction to stimulate myometrial activity and in turn initiate the onset of labor. These factors may include oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary, uterine distention or stretching, increasing uterine pressure due to the term fetus, increased maternal prostaglandin and fetal cortisol levels, placental aging, and changes in estrogen and progesterone ratios. The exact mechanism(s) that initiate spontaneous labor have been researched but are not completely understood.

TRUE VERSUS FALSE LABOR: Premonitory signs of labor such as lightening, urinary frequency, a change in vaginal discharge including bloody show, the loss of the mucus plug, and irregular contractions are often reported before true labor begins. True labor is distinguished from false labor by contractions that become progressively more frequent and regular, discomfort beginning in the back and radiating toward the abdomen causing cervical dilation, cervical effacement, and fetal descent. Duration of labor will depends on fetal presentation, fetal size, position of the fetus, and a multitude of factors including pelvic structure, the woman’s body mass, and birthing position.

STAGES OF LABOR: Labor is divided into four stages; 

Stage 1: The first stage of labor, which is cervical dilation to 10 cm, is divided into latent (0-3 cm dilation), active (4-7 cm dilation), and transitional (8-10 cm dilation) phases.

Stage 2: Stage two is measured from compete dilation to the birth of the baby and may have a latent or passive phase.

Stage 3: Stage three is from the birth of the baby to the expulsion of the placenta.

Stage 4: Stage four is the immediate postpartum recovery phase occurring from the delivery of the placenta and encompassing the first 2 hr postdelivery.







October 21, 2023



1. PENICILLINS: Penicillin is one of the oldest and most commonly used antibiotics in many countries because of it's effectiveness and affordability. It is effective against a wide range of bacterial infections and is often used to treat strep throat, pneumonia, and other respiratory infections. In the past before the coming of newer and more effective antibiotics, it was also one of the first lines in treatment of syphilis and gonorrheal infection.  Some of the examples of penicillins include but not limited to; Amoxicillin, Cloxacillin, Penicillin V, and Penicillin G.

Mechanism of action: Penicillin and derivatives are taken in a broad class of antibiotics known as Beta-lactam antibiotics; they work by inhibiting the synthesis and development of the bacterial cell wall.

Drawbacks: Although penicillin is still used in many countries due to it’s affordability and spectrum of activity, the on-going emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance limits their use in many scenarios. In addition, there are many individuals who develop allergic reactions to penicillin compared to new and safer antibiotics.  I already discussed penicillin and it's use in medicine in details and if you would like to read more about it you can follow the link below;  Use of penicillin and it's derivatives in clinical medicine.

2. FLOROQUINOLONES: Some of the drugs in this sub class of antibiotics include; Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin among others. Ciprofloxacin which is one of the most commonly available and prescribed, is a powerful antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacteria. It is often used to treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and skin infections.

Mechanism of action: These drugs produce their effects by interfering with the DNA replication process and we shall therefore collectively term them; DNA synthesis inhibitors or in other wards, antimetabolites.  I made a detailed discussion on the pharmacology of this class of drugs and you can read more about the from the link below; Fluroquinolones and their use in clinical medicine.

3. TETRACYCLINES: Some of the drugs in this sub class of antibiotics include; Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Doxycycline and others. Doxycycline one of the most common, is an antibiotic that is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections, including acne, respiratory infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Mechanism of action:  These drugs act by inhibiting the process of protein synthesis in the bacterial cell.

Drawbacks: Because of their spectrum of activity which is broad, irrational use of these drugs can read to clearance of part of the human microbiome, something that can lead to opportunistic infection and super infections or even rendering other antibiotics ineffective. 

Their use is known to cause development of pseudomembranous colitis by Clostridium deficile and some fungal manifestations for that purpose. They are also discouraged from usage in young children due to their teeth discoloration effects and may lead to borne development problems.

4. MACROLIDES: In this class of antibiotics we have examples such as Azithromycin, Erythromycin and Clarithromycin. Azithromycin one of the most common is often used to treat respiratory infections, skin infections, and sexually transmitted diseases. The dosage and formulation of Azithromycin allows good compliance because of a three days regimen and a single tablet daily.  I discussed Azithromycin in a separate discussion in details you can read more about it from the link below;  Use of Azithromycin in clinical medicine.

5. VANCOMYCIN: Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that is used to treat serious bacterial infections, including sepsis and endocarditis. Although it’s self is not a beta lactam antibiotic like penicillin and cephalosporines, it shares the mechanism of action with them; Inhibits the synthesis and development of the bacterial cell wall.

6. METRONIDAZOLE - Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacterial and parasitic infections, including vaginal infections, skin infections, and gastrointestinal infections. In brief we shall say; it is both antibacterial and antiprotozoal and therefore can be used as a prophylaxis for bacteremia and treatment of amebiasis. It is one of the most effective antibiotics against Entamoeba histolitica.

Mechanism of action: Metronidazole when used against protozoa, is DNA synthesis inhibitor and therefore we can say; it is an antimetabolite. In bacteria it acts as a proton sink, depriving the bacteria cell of oxidative equivalents

Drawbacks: Metronidazole have several side effects including but not limited to; Nausea and vomiting, a metallic taste, and it also has a disulfiram-like effect when taken together with alcohol.  I discussed about Metronidazole alone and it's use in details you can read about it from  here;  Use of metronidazole in clinical medicine.

7. SALFONAMIDES: Some of the most common examples of sulfonamides include; sulfamethoxazole and salfadoxine.  These drugs are frequently combined with non-salfonamide molecules with which they share some mechanism of action including but not limited to; Pyrimethamine and Trimethoprim.  Such combinations has greater synergistic effects and they can be used in treatment of a wide range of infections.

Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, is one of such combination antibiotic that is often used to treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal infections.  This combination has been used widely in immunocompromised and HIV/AIDS patients for prophylactic prevention of opportunistic infections especially related to protozoa.  

The other common application of such combinations is the use of a combination of Pyrimethamine and salfadoxine in brand names like "Fansidar", one of the current malarial prophylaxis therapy in pregnant mothers.  I have recently discussed more about sulfonamides and you can read about them from  the link below; Sulfonamides and their use in clinical medicine

In our next discussion, I will be looking at the rest of the antibiotic classes I have not discussed briefly here including but not limited to; Cephalosporines such as Ceftrioxone, Carbapems such as Imepenem, Rifamycins such as Rifampicin and Rifampin and many others.  You can also feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I discuss some of these pharmacotherapy from the link below;  Mega Mover Empire on YouTube.











July 14, 2023



Stress is one disorder that affects the young and old, single and married, employees and employers, ladies and gentlemen.  Stress is a state of worry or mental tension that happens on a daily basis in all working individuals.  From unfinished tasks of the office at the workplace, to the family disputes of going back home late, stress can tear you up into pieces and if not managed in time, things can go the wrong way.  Technically being stressed can sometimes increase productivity especially when it comes to multi-tasking however, long term stress can lead to development of chronic illnesses including but not limited to; Hypertension, Mental disorders, Diabetes mellitus among others.  

Apart from the possibility of developing complicated illnesses related to stress, this monster situation can lead to job and family neglect and increasing imperfection and performances if not managed and or treated immediately.  Although there are medical and several irrational ways people manage stress, the best way to be safe is prevention of the situation.  In this article, we are going to look at Mega Mover Empire's ten rules of being free from stress at the workplace.  Feel free to subscribe to this channel and please send in you comments, additions and many more.

The overall intention of anyone to work is to generate income for themselves and their families and it is the line I too, get up every morning and go to work.  It should however be noted that before you over think about work, think about you being alive and healthy first putting it in mind that, a dead body can not work and your life is the most precious gift you have ever got.  

In the medical field we have a principle known as "The sanctity of life" and this applies more to the Nursing professionals although it can apply to the rest of medical and non personnel.  It generally looks at the health worker being able to save life in any conditions as much as they can.  It does not however means that they should put their life at risk, or get exposed to life threatening events as long as the rest who are intended are saved.  And the same feeling should apply for any other potential worker.  Think about your life being safe and secure before thinking about work.

Man's greatest fear is what to eat and it is something one should think about to be provided by any employer although there some organizations and employers that may never mind the way their workers get what to eat.  This is one of my worst saying ever but don't misquote me please, "If your employer can not provide you with what to eat in time, your are not working for a human being but a robot instead".  There is a way our intestines are so demanding that in almost after every 4 hours, there will be a need to eat something and it is unfortunate the humans don't consume electricity and there is no replacement for food therefore.  Otherwise I wish some of us were rechargeable, China would have already made for us some of the most long lasting rechargeable batteries but that is not the case.  It therefore turns out that food is one of the things that maintains life and should be available for any worker to avoid stress related to that matter.  I have discussed much about the relationship of food and our survival in my article named "Wonders of the human body" you can read more about it here.

One of the most challenging and root causes of confusion at work is randomization of tasks.  Let us say you have more than 12 tasks to accomplish in the 5 day of the week, and these are having different submission time frames including those that requires 24 hours, 36 hours, 3 days a week and more than a week for there deadlines.  It is wise that you accomplish the task that requires more attention first and it will be more wise to start with those that require emergency, and in short, this is called prioritization.  For a medical professional whether on Out-patient Department (OPD) or on Emergency Unit be able to attend to someone very prone to death from hemorrhage, cardiac arrest and respiratory failure first compared to those that have delayed administration of medications because of patient and attendants negligence if that is what it dictates.

Communication is one very important aspect in any work settings, and it is one of the root causes of conflicts at the workplace.  In most cases when a message in sent from one person through a series of other individuals it tends to get diluted or even fading away.  I know in your workplace you have office assistants that can convey messages from your office but it will be more efficient for you take many of the messages by yourself to the respective individuals as long as you are not that too busy.  Every message sent via a third part generates another third party and the more third parties become numerous, your message will become an open secret, subjecting you to become a topic within the organization and generation of subsequent stress situation related to the way you have to address the situation.  Therefor by controlling the way you communicate alone, you can avoid some of the most stressful situations you would encounter at your workplace.

The topic of evolution is seen as both a science and a fiction but the issue is, we have developed in such a way that we have what we like and what we dislike basing on our genetic predisposition and evolutionary trends.  Try you level best to know what you like and what you dislike at your workplace as this will help alleviate anxiety that may trigger any stressful situation.  I am one guy who actually does not want food and sauce mixed on the same plate however because in public places that is how food is served, I will mind about separating the two when I am home.  And my friend James is funny in the same regard, he does not want to eat in public and he will enjoy eating from some private room.

One very important aspect of work is that we normally tend to forget or never mind about our different capacity to carryout the intended work.  But the thing is, there is always a level beyond which we can not perform either mentally or physically.  This is more to do with time and multitasking where if you try to work for extended time, there is a way your body may not be able to accomplish the tasks as desired.  On the other hand if there are very many tasks and you want all of them done in one day, again things may end up in imperfections.  Therefore the balance will be working within the allocated time frame and doing just enough of what your body can afford.  Always remember this precious thinking and idea "Rome was not built in one day"  This reminds me of the time I was working in the stone quarry and my obligation was to make it to 2 trucks of gravel per day.  But because 3 truck would generate more money for me I could sometimes end up working for 3 extra hours of the day to make it to that and sometime things would end up into mess and excessive tiredness to wake up early the next day.  So please mind much on not building a tower to heaven.

Every time I talk about this, it reminds of my best Friend, mentor and Lecturer in Mbarara University Dr. Francis Bajunirwe.  That gentleman was my teacher of Community and Public health way back in 2011 but most of all, he taught me the way a professional health worker can handle stressful situations.  Later 5 years down the road I started seeing the examples that he had given me in our private discussions.  Every time you have a misconduct at the workplace there is a way it tends to stress you up and everyone will be looking at you like a monster.

In most cases we tend to work with people with higher level and some with lower level than ours just because we have different roles.  It may not be evident or easily understandable but usually depending on the level of organization in the organography, you will be able to tell whether someone holds a higher level of education than yours.  Such people will have more experience, tactics and knowledge of the way things are done and they are the right people to consult.  Actually try not to argue with them too much because you may end up restricting the information you can get from them.  One Professor friend of mine once told me these words "...always try to respect the educated because, knowledge can flow from elites to ignorant by passive diffusion".

It should be clear with you that we do not come from the same family, we grew up in different communities and we have been exposed to totally different situations in our life.  At least if that is the thinking, then it turns out that even our behaviors are totally different.  Never at any point should you get surprise when someone do something that is not usual.  Even if it is your best friend, they were not created the same way like you and somewhere somehow they may have a boot loops when it comes to doing several tasks.  So keep in mind that at any point the person next to you at the workplace is not the best nor the worst with certain tasks.

9.  TRY TO AVOID TRAFFIC JAM AND GIVE RESPECT TO TIME:  Doing things in time gives a lot of relief and you notice you can even help others do theirs better as you become less fixed. One simple idea I have also bought from myself in the last 10 years is that I like doing things my own way, follow my own order and be unique from the rest of co-workers.  It doesn't mean I try to deviate from my job description or work alone and ignore teamwork but instead, do the task as instructed but using unique and special tactics.  Every time I tried doing something exactly the same way my friends did, I got a lot of critics that raised my cortisol levels subjecting me to development of stress.  Well for some activities can be done in one way but I mean, I may change and do the task at a later time or earlier time compared to my friends as long as the time will be finished in the allocated time frame.

Not just music but favorite music, is capable of relieving stress at work as long as it will not obstruct you and other colleagues.  There is a way I have considered stress a walkover by listening to Gospel music for the last 15 years.  And this is especially true when it came to Hillsong album of "North point worship".  Every time I listen to it I kind of feeling like I am in Georgia.  I know your favorite may not be Gospel but whatever it is, as long as it makes you calm and comfortable please, it is one of the non pharmacological ways of relieving stress.

June 21, 2023


OBJECTIVES:  By the end of the discussion, the reader/medical student will be able to;
1.  Describe the process of inflammation in relation to the functioning of the human body
2.  Explain the consequences caused by inflammation into the human body
3.  Outline the medical management of inflammation

1.  Analgesia:  This term means alleviating pain and subsequent drugs that accomplish that are known as analgesics
2.  Pyrexia:  This term means fever and drugs that arrest fever are called antipyretics

INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS AND THE HUMAN BODY:  The inflammatory process is a response by the human body to invaders.  It is a process that aims at not only fighting, but also elimination of any new antigens that happen to enter the body.  Whether microbes, chemicals, foreign particles or incompatible food stuffs, the body will always try to make sure it does not affect the body in any way.  Inflammation is the body's second line of defense.  If you have not been following me, click here to read more about the body's lines of defense.  In our series of discussion here, we are going to look at some of the most common inflammatory conditions that can affect the human body.  We have already looked at the inflammatory process earlier involving redness of the affected tissue, swelling, increased temperature and loss of function as detailed in the link below.

Inflammation can be seen in many dimensions including the time it can be taking affecting a given part of the human body, and in that respect we shall be looking at acute versus chronic inflammation.  I just discussed chronic inflammation recently and you can click here to read about it.  On the other hand, it can be localized where a specific area or organ is involved, or generalized, where the entire body is involved.

When addressing issues concerning inflammation, we normally end with the suffix itis on the organ or tissue associated for examples; If the inflammation happens in the liver cells and because medically the liver cells are known as hepatocytes, the condition will be termed hepatitis.  In other words when an organ is involved, we tend to add the suffix itis to the name of the organ for example if the pancreas is involved, the condition is known as "Pancreatitis".

Inflammation is a deadly body response that require immediate attention.  Whether local or systemic, the process produces inflammatory mediators that can cause various effects on the body like we saw earlier.  When inflammation is systemic, the resultant inflammatory effects include development of fever.  Because inflammation is always accompanied by pain and swelling as we saw under the cardinal signs of inflammation, the drugs that are used in management of the condition will have some property of arresting pain as well and alleviate swelling and loss of function if possible.  In that respect, we shall be refering such types of drugs as anti-inflammatory, but to be more specific, a precise ant-inflammatory drug will posses 3 properties namely; 
1)  Analgesic or pain killing, 
2)  Antipyretic or anti-fever because pyrexia means fever in medical language and 
3) Anti-inflammatory for arresting the whole process of inflammation.  I have discussed more about analgesics in some of my previous discussions and you can follow the embedded link to read more about them.


June 03, 2023


OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCUSSION:  By the end of this discussion, the learner/Medical student/reader will be able to;

1.  Explain the roles of glucose as a universal fuel for the human body.

2.  Explain the role of insulin in the human body

3.  Explain the alterations in glucose metabolism that later lead to development of diabetes mellitus

INTRODUCTION:  Glucose is the universal fuel molecule for the human body.  For when it is metabolised in cells it generates Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and the cell will then be able to run it's activities that require energy.  The entry of glucose into the cells is facilitated by the hormone insulin as we are going to see it in details.  By binding to cell surface receptors, insulin activates entry of glucose molecules into the cells so that they can be utilised for energy production.  This means the human body will require to produce not just enough insulin alone, but also be responsive to it.

In diabetes mellitus, there is impaired uptake of glucose by the cells in the body and glucose will remain in blood circulation, reaching extreme concentrations that are disastrous to the walls of the blood vessels but also, leaving the body cells starving from enough energy source.  In our discussion here, we are going to look at the pathophysiology of this monster disease known as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) but before we continue, let us briefly look at what happen with metabolism of glucose.

METABOLISM OF GLUCOSE:  Glucose also commonly known as blood sugar, is a monomer of polysaccharides, many disaccharides and oligosaccharides, and is a constituent of many carbohydrate food stuffs.  When taken in the body especially in form of food, carbohydrates yield this precious source of fuel in the body as part of digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.  Digestion of carbohydrates

The glucose produced as a result of food breakdown in the Gastro-intestinal Tract (GIT) is then absorbed into the lumen of the intestines, to blood circulation and in the next few minutes following a heavy meal, the glucose levels in blood will be higher than normal.  The excess of it will then be converted to glycogen and stored for later use in the liver and skeletal muscles, and the rest of it will remain in circulation ready to be taken up by cells.  The liver carries out the role of converting this extra glucose into glycogen for later use, and the rest of glucose is absorbed into the cells to provide energy.  For glucose to enter the cells, the goal is accomplished by the endocrine system via a hormone known as insulin, produced by the endocrine pancreas.

DEVELPMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS: Development of diabetes follows the body's inability to absorb glucose from the blood circulation either as a result of insufficient production of insulin from the pancreas, cellular resistance to circulating insulin or both and therefore increasing load of glucose in circulation.

TYPES OF DIABETS:  Now that we have seen the issue is insulin and glucose, there are two aspects; The insulin produced in the pancreas is not enough or it is not produced at all, and this will be termed Diabetes mellitus type 1 or Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

The other aspect will be, the pancreas is normal and producing enough insulin but the body cells are not sensitive to the produced insulin and therefore the produced insulin noes not work despite it's presence.  This is termed Diabetes mellitus type 2 or Non Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

SUMMERY:  That describes the out goings of glucose metabolism, insulin production, and development of diabetes.  To read about the detailed description for the types of diabetes, possible causes of pancreatic failure and management of diabetes click here.









May 24, 2023


OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCUSSION:  By the end of the discussion, the reader/medical student will be able to;
1.  Outline the most common causes of peptic ulcer disease
2.  Describe the process involved in development of peptic ulcer disease

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE:  Peptic ulcer disease is caused by 3 main factor namely; 1)  Microbes specifically Helicobacter pyroli which contributes to more than 95% of the cases.

2)  Hypersecretion of gastric juice in the stomach which may lead to autodigestion of the protein portions of the stomach walls.

3.  Use of aggressive factors including but not limited to alcohol, smoking or use of Nicotine and tar.

The pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease is erosion of the mucus layer protecting the stomach from corrosive Hydrochloric acid co-produced with pepsin, and subsequent autodigestion of stomach walls leading to inflammation, followed by wounds and if not treated in time, perforation.  If you would like to read more about peptic ulcers management and treatment options, follow the links in the related section below.


1.  Helicobacter pyroli

2.  Nicotine

3.  Peptic ulcer disease

4.  Proton pump inhibitors

May 07, 2023


INTRODUCTION: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a potentially life-threatening sign and not a disease itself, of a serious underlying disease mechanism. In this condition there is a problem that predominates and over activate the immune system which in turn over responds.

TRIGGERS OF DIC: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation may be triggered by sepsis, trauma, cancer, shock, abruptio placentae, toxins, or allergic reactions. The severity of DIC is variable, but it is potentially life threatening.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DIC: In DIC, the normal hemostatic mechanisms are altered so that tiny clots form within the microcirculation of the body. These clots consume platelets and clotting factors, eventually causing coagulation to fail and bleeding to result. This bleeding disorder is characterized by low platelet and fibrinogen levels; prolonged prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and thrombin time; and elevated fibrin degradation products (D-dimers).

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: Clinical manifestations of DIC are primarily reflected in compromised organ function or failure, clot formation followed by ischemia to all or part of the organ and or, less often, bleeding.

1. Patient may bleed from mucous membranes, venipuncture sites, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

2. Bleeding can range from minimal occult internal bleeding to profuse hemorrhage from all orifices.

3. Patients typically develop multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and they may exhibit renal failure as well as pulmonary and multifocal central nervous system infarctions as a result of microthromboses, macrothromboses, or hemorrhages.

4. Initially, the only manifestation is a progressive decrease in the platelet count; then, progressively, the patient exhibits signs and symptoms of thrombosis in the organs involved.

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC FINDINGS: Clinically, the diagnosis of DIC is often established by a drop in platelet count, an increase in PT and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), an elevation in fibrin degradation products, and measurement of one or more clotting factors and inhibitors.

MEDICAL MANAGEMENT: The most important management issue is treating the underlying cause of DIC. A second goal is to correct the secondary effects of tissue ischemia by improving oxygenation, replacing fluids, correcting electrolyte imbalances, and administering vasopressor medications. If serious hemorrhage occurs, the depleted coagulation factors and platelets may be replaced. A heparin infusion, which is a controversial management method, may be used to interrupt the thrombosis process. Other therapies include recombinant activated protein C and AT infusions.









April 22, 2023


INTRODUCTION: Cancer of the breast is a pathologic entity that starts with a genetic alteration in a single cell and may take several years to become palpable. The most common histologic type of breast cancer is infiltrating ductal carcinoma, whereby tumors arise from the duct system and invade the surrounding tissues. These tumors arise from the lobular epithelium and typically occur as an area of ill-defined thickening in the breast. Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinomas usually spread to bone, lung, liver, adrenals, pleura, skin, or brain.

CAUSES OF BREAST CANCER: There is no one specific cause of breast cancer; rather, a combination of genetic, hormonal, and possibly environmental events may contribute to its development. If lymph nodes are unaffected, the prognosis is better. The key to improved cure rates is early diagnosis, before metastasis.


1. Gender and in specific female, and increasing age.

2. Previous breast cancer: The risk of developing cancer in the same or opposite breast is significantly increased.

3. Family history: Having first-degree relative with breast cancer (mother, sister, daughter) increases the risk twofold; having two first-degree relatives increases the risk fivefold.

4. Genetic mutations account for majority of inherited breast cancers.

5. Hormonal factors: early menarche for example before 12 years of age, nulliparity, first birth after 30 years of age, late menopause that is to say; after 55 years of age, and hormone therapy also formerly referred to as hormone replacement therapy.

6. Other factors may include exposure to ionizing radiation during adolescence and early adulthood obesity, alcohol intake.

PROTECTIVE FACTORS: Protective factors may include regular vigorous exercise, pregnancy before age 30 years, and breastfeeding.

PREVENTION STRATEGIES: Patients at high risk for breast cancer may consult with specialists regarding possible or appropriate prevention strategies such as the following:

1. Long-term surveillance consisting of twice-yearly clinical breast examinations starting at age 25 years, yearly mammography, and possibly MRI

2. Chemoprevention to prevent disease before it starts, using tamoxifen and possibly raloxifene

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: Generally, lesions are nontender, fixed, and hard with irregular borders; most occur in the upper outer quadrant. Some women have no symptoms and no palpable lump but have an abnormal mammogram. Advanced signs may include skin dimpling, nipple retraction, or skin ulceration.

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTICS: Biopsy for example percutaneous or surgical, and histologic examination of cancer cells. Tumor staging and analysis of additional prognostic factors are used to determine the prognosis and optimal treatment regimen. Chest x-rays, CT, MRI, PET scan, bone scans, and blood work, that is, complete blood cell count, comprehensive metabolic panel, tumor markers.

Medical Management: Various management options are available. The patient and physician may decide on surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormonal therapy or a combination of therapies. Modified radical mastectomy involves removal of the entire breast tissue, including the nipple–areola complex and a portion of the axillary lymph nodes. Total mastectomy involves removal of the breast and nipple–areola complex but does not include axillary lymph node dissection.

Chemotherapy to eradicate micrometastatic spread of the disease: cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil, anthracycline-based regimens (eg, doxorubicin, taxanes (paclitaxel, docetaxel).

Hormonal therapy based on the index of estrogen and progesterone receptors: Tamoxifen is the primary hormonal agent used to suppress hormonal-dependent tumors; others are inhibitors anastrazole.







April 14, 2023


1.  God one and only
2.  Jesus culture in you live

3.  Live worship hillsong non-stop

4.  Hillsong live worship, the best of 2021 nonstop