December 23, 2021



INTRODUCTION: Messanger RNA (mRNA); The gene present in DNA is transcribed into mRNA. This constitutes about 2-5% of total RNA in the cell. They are generally degraded quickly. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA); This constitutes about 80% of all RNA in the cell. 28S, 18S and 5S are the major varieties. They are involved in the protein biosynthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA). There are about 60 different species present. They constitute about 15% of the total RNA in the cell. They are very stable. Small RNA. They constitute about 1-2% of total RNA in the cell. There are about 30 different varieties. They are very stable. Small Nuclear RNAs (SnRNAs) are a subgroup of small RNA. Some important species of SnRNAs are U1 (165 nucleotides), U2 (188 nucleotides), U3 (216), U4 (139), U5 (118), U6 (106). They are involved in mRNA splicing.

CENTRAL DOGMA OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: Here, the information available in the DNA is passed to messenger RNA, which is then used for synthesis of a particular protein.

: DNA replication is like printing a copy of all the pages of a book. The replication process occurs only at the time of cell division. But transcription is taking place all the time. Only certain areas of the DNA are copied that is to say, selected regions on the sense strand. This is like taking a copy of particular page of the book. So, the genetic information of DNA is transcribed or copied to the messenger RNA (mRNA). During transcription, the message from the DNA is copied in the language of nucleotides (4 letter language).

The mRNA then reaches the cytoplasm where it is translated into functional proteins. During translation, the nucleotide sequence is translated to the language of amino acid sequence or 20 letter language.

: The template strand is transcribed to give rise to mRNA. The template strand has the complementary sequence of mRNA. Then the opposite strand has the same sequence as the mRNA. The DNA strand having the same sequence of mRNA is called coding strand. As it is complementary to the template strand, it is also called antitemplate strand or nontemplate strand.

Messenger RNA or mRNA
: It acts as a messenger of the information in the gene in DNA to the protein synthesizing machinery in cytoplasm. It carries the message to be translated to a protein. The template strand of DNA is transcribed into a single stranded mRNA. This is accomplished by the enzyme, DNA dependent RNA polymerase. The mRNA is a complementary copy of the template strand of the DNA. However, thymine is not present in RNA and instead Uracil will be incorporated.

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