August 31, 2022



INTRODUCTION: Quota sampling is a nonprobability convenience sampling technique in which the proportion of identified groups is predetermined by the researchers. Quota sampling may be used to ensure the inclusion of subject types or strata in a population that are likely to be underrepresented in the convenience sample, such as women, minority groups, elderly adults, poor people, rich people, and undereducated adults. This method may also be used to mimic the known characteristics of the target population or to ensure adequate numbers of subjects in each stratum for the planned statistical analyses.

The technique is similar to the one used in stratified random sampling, but the initial sample is not random. If necessary, mathematical weighting can be used to adjust sample values so that they are consistent with the proportion of subgroups found in the population.

ADVANTAGES: Quota sampling offers an improvement over convenience sampling and tends to decrease potential biases. In most studies in which convenience samples are used, quota sampling could be used and should be considered.


1.  Probability sampling designs  

2.  Stratified random sampling

3.  Research methodology


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