September 10, 2023


MACROMOLECULES OF THE HUMAN BODY: Chemical life begins with atoms and ions and these may combine to form molecules.  In our basic chemistry, we looked at covalent molecules and ionic molecules and the forces that can bind two or more atoms to form molecules as described in the article below; The forces that bind molecules together.  Basically molecules maybe two or more atoms combined and then several different molecules can combine to form more complex structures known as macromolecules.  There are many macromolecules in the human body some of which act as enzymes, others hormones, and for some, as molecules of metabolism.  To get clear on some of the most useful molecules available in the human body, we need to classify them according to their functions but before we continue, if you have not been following us, you need to read about the previous topic; Diversity of biomolecules.  In this discussion, we are going to look at some of the most common macromolecules in the human body and their respective roles.

CARBOHYDRATES:  These are some of the most important biomolecules in nature and the human body needs a lot of them.  Carbohydrates are some of the most abundant chemicals of life in nature and we need them for provision of energy.  they are the universal sources of energy in the human body.  Carbohydrates are of different chemical structure and composition but in our discussion here, we shall be looking at starch and glycogen.


1.  Diversity of biomolecules

2.  Starch

3.  Polysaccharides 

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