November 25, 2020


Introduction:  Previously we have been looking at the number of respondents a medical researcher will need to collect data from and this number will be predetermined for quantitative studies.  There are several approaches to determining the sample size. These include using a census for small populations, imitating a sample size of similar studies, using published tables, and applying formulas to calculate a sample size.

Using A Census For Small Populations:  One approach is to use the entire population as the sample. Although cost considerations make this impossible for large populations, acensus is attractive for small populations (e.g., 200 or less).  A census eliminates sampling error and provides data on all the individuals in the population. In addition, some costs such as questionnaire design and developing the sampling frame are "fixed," that is, they will be the same for samples of 50 or 200. Finally, virtually the entire population would have to be sampled in small populations to achieve a desirable level of precision.

Using A Sample Size Of A Similar Study:  Another approach is to use the same sample size as those of studies similar to the one you plan. Without reviewing the procedures employed in these studies you may run the risk of repeating errors that were made in determining the sample size for another study. However, a review of the literature in your discipline can provide guidance about "typical" sample sizes which are used.

Using Published Tables:  A third way to determine sample size is to rely on published tables which provide the sample size for a given set of criteria.  Such tables present sample sizes that would be necessary for given combinations of precision, confidence levels, and variability. Please note two things. First, these sample sizes reflect the number of obtained responses, and not necessarily the number of surveys mailed or interviews planned (this number is often increased to compensate for non response). Second, the sample sizes in some of these tables presume that the attributes being measured are distributed normally or nearly so. If this assumption cannot be met, then the entire population may need to be surveyed.

Using Formulas To Calculate A Sample Size:  Although tables can provide a useful guide for determining the sample size, you may need to calculate the necessary sample size for a different combination of levels of precision, confidence, and variability. The fourth approach to determining sample size is the application of one of several formulas.

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