February 22, 2021



Introduction:  Inflammation is a physiological response to cell injury, associated with cellular, vascular events and cytokine secretion.  The primary intention of the inflammatory process is to eliminate any invading microbe by increasing the in-flow of blood and immune cells at the affected site.  The inflow of blood then will come with different immune components from both cellular and humoral immunity.

Dimensions of the condition:  There are specific signs that are visible with a naked eye and they are indicative of occurrence of the inflammatory process.  This is especially true when inflammation is local meaning, it occurred on a visible skin surface on the outside of the body.  Cardinal Signs of Inflammation include the following five characters; 

1.  Rubor also known as redness at the site of injury and this can especially be more evident in light skinned individuals.  The red color mainly comes from blood and this cardinal sign is indicative of the amount of blood inflowing into the inflamed area, compared to the rest of the body parts. 

2.  Color or heat is also present and this can be noted by the increase in temperature at the infection site.

3.  Dolar or pain is also a very common and evident sign and this is a reminder that, wherever there is pain, more that 80% of the instances there will be an inflammatory process involved. 

4.  Tumor or swelling is another cardinal sign, 

5.  Functio laesa or loss of function is the last one.  From that point of view, let us look at each sign independently:  

Redness (Rubor): An acutely inflamed tissue appears red, due to dilatation of small blood vessels and increase blood supply (hyperemia) in the associated tissue.  

Swelling (Tumor):  Swelling in inflammation results from accumulation of fluid in the extravascular space as part of the inflammatory fluid exudates, and to a much lesser extent, from the physical mass of the inflammatory cells accumulated in the area.  

Heat (Color):  Increase in temperature is readily detected in the skin; it is due to increased blood flow (hyperemia) through the region, resulting in vascular dilation and delivery of warm blood to the area.  

Pain (Dolor): Pain results partly from the stretching and distortion of tissues due to inflammatory edema and, in part from some of the chemical mediators of acute inflammation, especially bradykinin and prostaglandins. 

Loss of Function (Functio laesa): Loss of function is a well-known consequence of inflammation, movement of an inflamed organ is inhibited by pain, either consciously or by reflexes, while severe swelling may physically immobilize the affected area.






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