July 03, 2021


HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH REPORT:  Submission of a research report, is a requirement in partial fulfilment for the award of degrees and diplomas in different medical specialties and institutions.  A research report is the final workout of the medical research project.  Now we are taking it that you already finished collecting, analyzing and presenting data, and that data is now compiled, ready to be put in the report. At this point, I am also assuming that you have liaised with your supervisor who have fully accepted your research methodology and data analysis techniques, and given you a go a head with the next step of your research project.  We have already discussed much about the research methodology and the roles of a research supervisor in a research project as you can read about them in the links below;
2.  The research methodology

We have already seen that we had three chapters in the research proposal, and now, we are adding more three chapters to make it to six chapters in the research report.  So at this point, we are looking at Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three, four, five and six.  If you have not been following us, follow the link below for the component of a research proposal.

In this article, we are looking at the steps taken and component of a medical research report.  As we have had Chapter one, two and three in the proposal, they will remain in the report and the only change that we are putting in is that now we have finished doing all we promised in the proposal.  And so, we shall be addressing all we did in a past tense.  Let's take an example if one said in methodology "I will use village health team members from all the parishes selected"  The statement will now be;  "I used village health team members from all the parishes I had selected".

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