July 27, 2021


Objectives of this article;  By the end of our discussion here, the learner will be able to;
1.  State the preparations made before starting to write a research report.
2.  Mention the different sections of a medical research report.

COMPONENTS OF A RESEARCH REPORT:  Before starting to write a research report, the student should make sure all their data is analysed and ready to be presented in form of graphs and charts in chapter four On this page, we are going to look at the components of a research report.

COVER PAGE:  For any research project, a cover page will display the topic of the research project, the credentials of the researcher that is, the names and registration numbers where applicable, the date when the report was compiled and submitted and the institution under which the research is being conducted.

APPROVAL OF THE RESEARCH REPORT:  On this page, there will be signatures, names and dates when signed of the student, the research supervisor and then head of the faculty if possible.  For some institutions, there may also be a letter countersigned in that respect.








CHAPTER SIX:  In this chapter, we make conclusions about the data analyzed and presented earlier, then where possible, we make recommendations.

REFERENCES:  The references in addition to citations, is the evidence of the information used in the research project.

APPENDIX I:  DATA COLLECTION TOOLS:  The data collection tool will be the instrument used to collect data such as a questionnaire for interviews.

APPENDIX II:  APPROVAL OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL:  Before starting the process of data collection, a research student must ensure that the research study has been accepted and it follows the guidelines according to the responsible institution, and a letter of approval is usually attached.  This is part of medical ethics as described in details from the link below.

APPENDIX III:  MAP OF THE DATA COLLECTION AREA:  The map showing data collection area is very important to the readers of your research proposal or report in that, it gives a picture of where the data was collected basing on the readers perspective about the places known.  Usually, they will be two or three maps one showing the Country and the district or region of data collection and where applicable, the map of the District and then the map of the data collection area.  You can learn how to extract maps using Google Earth by clicking here.

APPENDIX IV:  BUDGET OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT:  The budget is simply put forward for any researcher to ensure that the expenditure for the research study will be favorable.  It should be noted that for any research project, a very high expenditure that will not be affordable by the student is as good as not conducting the study at all.

APPENDIX V:  WORKPLAN FOR THE PROJECT:  This is simply a step by step record of what was being done and when during the time of development of the research proposal to the development and submission of the research report.


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