July 25, 2021


ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN RESEARCH:  Professional ethics and codes of conduct are applicable to all professions and here in medical research, we will be dealing with specifically research ethics.  For any medical process, it is very important that it's progress does not put the life of the implementer and or the participants at any risk.  It is also very important that the research participants in this case, are given total freedom, with their rights respected to the maximum, and the total freedom to withdraw from the research as soon as they feel they have to, without any penalty.  In other cases, the intentions of the research may be of high requirements and the process maybe a bit time consuming for the participants that some incentives may help alleviate fears and discomfort.  If you are new in our discussions, click on the link below to read more about incentives.

Generally medical research ethics begins with having a research supervisor, because most of reinforcement will be accompanied by your research supervisor.  If you have note been following us previously, click on the link below for the details about the supervisor.  Roles and duties of a research supervisor  From approval of the research topic by the Supervisor among the selected, step by step guidance is given to make sure that every piece of work complies with the institutional rules and regulations, and also in line with the overall governing body for professional research.


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