October 10, 2021


OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCUSSION:  By the end of this discussion, the reader will be able to;
1.  List the components of chapter three of the research proposal

CHAPTER THREE:  RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:  Chapter three is one of the backbone of a research proposal and research report.  For it fully describes the methods and the way they will be employed in the process of research.  In addition, this section also looks at the research ethics that will be employed in the research project and at the end of this chapter, the research student is expected to be approved to continue with their data collection as the next step.  In this article, we are listing the components of Chapter three and where needed, the details will also be redirected.

3.0  Introduction:  In this section, the student is expected to write a list of all the components expected in the chapter such that it gives a reader few question to ask if any.  This should of course be in form of a paragraph.

3.1  Study settings:  In the study settings, you are expected to tell the place you wish to conduct your research study from.  Depending on the type of study you are conducting, it may require you to outline some social and economic activities carried out in the study setting and the distance of the place from the nearby most recognized location.  To read more about the research study settings click here.

3.2  Study design:  The study design is one of the most important and core parts of any research projects.  In all dimensions, the research study design will elaborate the way a study will behave and the most predictable outcomes.  To continue reading about the various study designs, click here.

3.3  Study population:  The study population are the individuals from which you as the researcher is intending to collect data.  The study population the broad way of looking at the sources of data and the number projected will be higher than the anticipated sample size.  To read about the details of study population and how to precisely choose a reliable study population, click here.

3.4  Sample size determination:  Sample size determination is one other very crucial step in conducting a research study that follows prediction of the study design.  Usually the first question will be; 

How will I chose the sample from which to collect data?  
And then the answer to the question will be, determine the appropriate study design.  The next question then will be;

From how many respondents will I be able to collect sufficient data?
And the answer will be;  Predetermine the sample size in relation to your study.  in one of my previous discussions I have already talked about the criteria to determine the sample and if you have not been following me, click here for the link.


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