January 14, 2022


BODY ORGANS:  The huma body is organized into macromolecules, cellular  organelles, cells, Body organs, tissues and then systems in the ascending order of complexity.  At the organ level, we have more specialization and complexity of different tissues that function together the normal body processes to run, and the human body has 100s of them.  On this page, we are going to look some of the most immediate and paramount body organs without which the human body will be in struggle, and then we shall also see the most common diseases that affect them.

The human brain is one of the most vital organs in the human body, for it controls all the processes running either asleep or arousable.  The brain is part of the central nervous system and it contains 1000s of centers controlling millions of processes that runs the body from birth to death.  The human brain weighs about 1.5 to 1.7 Kg for an average individual and is found in the most upper part of the skull.  Some of the most common illnesses that affect the brain include but not limited to;  Meningitis, Cerebral vascular accident also known as stroke, and Altered level of consciousness as detailed in the embedded links.

The human heart is another very vital organ in the body.  It acts as the pump that delivers blood throughout the body tissues delivering between 5-7 litres of blood in about 72 seconds of an adult human being.  The heart starts pumping early in life when the human embryo is still around 4 weeks of gestation, during which period many organs are forming int the fetus and we call this period between 3-8 weeks the period of organogenesis.  It continues to pump throughout life and it is one organ that we can assess to determine the level of well being.  Some of the conditions that affect the human heart include but not limited to the following; Hypertension, Heart failure, Angina and Myocardia infarction.

LUNGS:  The lungs are some of the most vital organs of the human body because of their role in gaseous exchange.


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