December 04, 2020


NON-DRUG MEANS OF PREVENTING PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE:  Peptic ulcer disease is one of the most common problems among adults in developing countries especially here in sub Saharan Africa where almost more than 50% of the adult population in Uganda have a complaint of the disease at least once in a year.  Despite the rampant growth of populations suffering from the disease, there is little or nothing know about this mythical disease.  Currently there are many drugs developed for the condition but even so, compliance and poor medical investigation play a role in increasing number of patients in many communities.  In our discussion here, we are going to look at the non medical interventions that can help someone prevent development of peptic ulcer but before, let us first see the main causes of the disease.

The causes of peptic ulcer disease can be categorized into 3; 1) Microbes where the most common and the leading cause is Helicobacter pylori.  

2)  The second most common cause is hypersecretion of gastric juice and it's associated Hydrochloric acid.  In this case, either there is a tumor in the stomach that secrets more than required enzymes and or, there is delayed intake of food that makes the produced gastric juice digest it's own wall, a process known as autodigestion.  To understand more of this, read about the Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease discussed earlier from here.  
3) The third and last general cause of peptic ulcer disease, are the aggressive factors.  these are the things that we take in that either impair the production of the mucus layer lining the stomach walls, or disintegrate the formed mucus layer itself.  These factors are quite many but let us look at the most common ones; a) Drugs such as Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)  These drugs inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase responsible for production of mucus-like secretions from prostaglandins.

b)  Alcohol and caffeine; For alcohol and caffein users, chronic use of these drugs directly react with the mucus layer in the stomach and make it washed away, leaving the layers of the stomach bare and exposed to any injurious agents.

NON-DRUG PREVENTING MEASURES OF PEPTIC ULCER DRUGS:  From the description above, it is evident that as long as we can avoid the causative agents, we can then be free from peptic and duodenal ulcer diseases.

1.  When it comes to microbes especially H. pylori in this instance, the general preventive measure will be ensuring good hygiene and taking well cooked an prepared food stuffs.  By avoiding eating junk foods, there will be less of the foreign bacteria ingested in our bodies.

2.  For the second common cause we looked at which was hypersecretion of gastric juice, the first remedy will be eating in time or preventing living an empty stomach and then, if possible, to be checked to ensure there is no acid secreting tumor in case of an episode of signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers.

3.  Finally, we will need to get rid of the aggressive factors including but not limited to use of alcoholic beverages, smoking, caffeinated drinks and frequent use of NSAIDs for a long time to alleviate pain.  For some of such aggressive factors it may be hard to deter from them but there is a way we can reduce on the frequency.  For example with alcohol if you have been a "Daily drinking officer (DDO)", then you can become a weekly, monthly drinking officer or even quit it as long as the benefits are outweighed by the potential threats from it.  And then the other option will be taking such aggressive factor following a heavy meal, to avoid direct contact on an empty stomach.

Finally if any of the non-pharmacological interventions fails and you continue to develop the disease, aim for anti-peptic ulcer drugs as we have described them in our previous discussions in the links below to avoid development of perforations and subsequent death from a curable disease


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